The Reverse Is Also True by Norene Cashen eBook


A debut collection of poetry from Norene Cashen. 

This digital download includes .epub and .prc files

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A debut collection of poetry from Norene Cashen. 

This digital download includes .epub and .prc files

A debut collection of poetry from Norene Cashen. 

This digital download includes .epub and .prc files


"Norene Cashen's poems are sad and beautiful, and they remind me of why I'm sometimes afraid of poetry. She is not afraid to stare into those huge spaces between the eyes or the fingers." --Andrei Codrescu

“These sparsely punctuated poems feel like parable or myth, issuing from the lips of a concerned prophet. Meant to be read slowly, out loud, these somber lyrics wrestle the biggies: Truth, war, history, death, religion.” —The Metro Times


Norene Cashen has written about poetry, rock 'n' roll, art and culture for The Metro Times (Detroit), The Rocket (Seattle), Alternative Press, Orbit (Detroit), The Orlando Weekly and the Music Hound Guide book series. Norene has also been a contributing editor for the arts journal, Dispatch Detroit, and been a mentoring poet for InsideOut Literary Arts.

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