Do Something! Do Something! Do Something! by Joseph Riippi eBook


In this fragmented, nontraditional narrative, debut author Joseph Riippi explores the aftermath of stories, rather than simply telling them: A music critic chants Susan Sontag quotes in a mental institution; a young girl looks to her starfish tattoo for regrowth; a disenchanted playwright flees divorce and human shrapnel. Do Something! Do Something! Do Something! is the story of uncertainty in a new America, of three young people looking for peace and definitiveness in an increasingly shaky and volatile homeland.

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In this fragmented, nontraditional narrative, debut author Joseph Riippi explores the aftermath of stories, rather than simply telling them: A music critic chants Susan Sontag quotes in a mental institution; a young girl looks to her starfish tattoo for regrowth; a disenchanted playwright flees divorce and human shrapnel. Do Something! Do Something! Do Something! is the story of uncertainty in a new America, of three young people looking for peace and definitiveness in an increasingly shaky and volatile homeland.

This digital download includes .epub and .prc files

In this fragmented, nontraditional narrative, debut author Joseph Riippi explores the aftermath of stories, rather than simply telling them: A music critic chants Susan Sontag quotes in a mental institution; a young girl looks to her starfish tattoo for regrowth; a disenchanted playwright flees divorce and human shrapnel. Do Something! Do Something! Do Something! is the story of uncertainty in a new America, of three young people looking for peace and definitiveness in an increasingly shaky and volatile homeland.

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"Do Something! follows a drunken writer, an institutionalized literary critic, and the woman with the starfish tattoo, three broken Americans whose trials–rape, mental breakdown, substance abuse—Riippi intertwines with the great stresses of contemporary American life, terrorism, and economic collapse." -- Mike Riggs, Washington City Paper

"...the gritty feel of cyber punk...real talent on the page..." -- Ghoti Magazine

"...moments of profound tenderness and emotional truth." -- PANK Magazine

“With Do Something! Do Something! Do Something! Joseph Riippi showed he can tell a brilliant story and invent haunting characters. Now he unpacks The Orange Suitcase to show how, in short sections, he can stretch out an artful life with sensitivity and depth. There is Something About This Book." -- Adam Robinson, Say, Poem

"Joseph Riippi accomplished no easy thing to have so well-crafted pain inside the usual streetways and bar reflections of places I thought I knew, and with so much beauty... I fear to touch, fear that my finger will come away surprised by red, by blood. Do Something indeed, whether as a Faust or an Eve. Hurry up and just eat the fruit! Riippi has great literary power." -- Carolivia Herron, Thereafter Johnnie

about the author

Joseph Riippi is the author of A Cloth House (2012), The Orange Suitcase (2011), and Do Something! Do Something! Do Something! (2009). His twenty-four-part poem,Treesisters, was published in 2012 by Greying Ghost Press. He lives with his wife in New York City.

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